The Reflection in Creative Experience Questionnaire

This ongoing project aims to develop a questionnaire measure for differentiating between creative experiences with more or less moments of reflection. It can be used post-hoc after someone has used a CST in a creative activity.

Refection is underexplored in Creativity Support Tool (CST) research, partly due to its ambiguous nature. There is no comparable way of measuring types of reflection in creative contexts. Current HCI questionnaires for reflection tend to focus on domains with clear goals such as personal informatics, which are at odd with the non-functional goals of creative tasks. RiCE presents a measure of a CST’s capacity to support refection.


Through consultation with experts on creativity, feedback from 300+ users of creative tools, and conducting statistical analysis of this data, RiCE includes questions for three types of reflection which might occur in creative practice:

Most Recent Version (RiCEv2)

RiCE is currently in continual development. The first version of the questionnaire and initial validation can be found in our publication at CHI. Through ongoing research (update and description coming soon), we suggest researchers use the version of the tool described below. Please cite our CHI publication and signpost to this website using the URL in the footer.


To place RiCE scores in context, we calculated RiCEv2 scores from the open-source dataset in Ford & Bryan-Kinns (2023), originally used to identify factors of RiCE. The open-source dataset is comprised of RiCE scores for CSTs including Photoshop, Word, and some DAWs (e.g. Cubase, Garageband, FL Studio, Ableton and Logic Pro). Researchers can use this to compare their own tools against these scores.

Dataset from Ford & Bryan Kinns (2023) RiCEv2-Cp RiCEv2-Se RiCEv2-Ex RiCEv2
All CSTs (n=300) 7.4 6.1 6.9 6.8
MS Word Subset (n=43) 7.2 6.4 6.6 6.7
Photoshop Subset (n=42) 7.4 5.9 7.1 6.8
Visual Studio Subset (n=15) 8.0 7.1 7.3 7.5
DAWs Subset (n=8) 7.6 5.7 7.1 6.8

Get Involved

To get involved please contact Corey Ford

A more sophisticated call for contributing to the development of RiCE, e.g., offering open-source datasets, is coming soon.

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